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Smoky Pepitas

If you’re anything like me, you’ll do the main part of your sneaky snacking in the evening. Watching Antiques Roadshow with your fist in a bag of Maltesers or M&Ms and enjoying a glass of wine.

No? Just me? You all have no idea how to live, people!

Anyway, now you know how I tick, I can also admit, that it is, of course, a highly unhealthy habit that I’m trying very hard to kick to the curb. Which is why I have been making these Smoky Pepitas on repeat! This is a No Crumbs Left recipe by Teri Turner and it is a gift that keeps on giving. Crunchy, very flavorful and definitely moreish, these are just as perfect with a g&t when you’ve got company as they are when you’re guessing the price of a Victorian milk jug at home on your sofa (and totally missing the mark!).

Pepitas are hulled pumpkin seeds and as well as being delicious (especially when they’ve been doused with smoked paprika, salt and garlic), they are very good for bladder health, blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

These are also delicious sprinkled on a salad or a rice dish, anywhere you need a flavor kick and some crunch!

xoxo Donata

Pepitas coated with smoked paprika, salt and granulated garlic


1/2 teaspoon kosher salt

1/2 teaspoon smoked paprika

1/2 teaspoon granulated garlic (not garlic powder)

1 teaspoon extra-virgin olive oil

1/2 cup raw hulled pepitas (pumpkin seeds)


In a small bowl, stir together the salt, smoked paprika, and granulated garlic until combined well. Set aside.

In medium stainless steel sauté pan, heat the olive oil over medium to medium-high heat. Add the pepitas and cook, stirring continuously, until browned, 4 to 5 minutes; watch them closely–if they char a little or start to burn, it’s okay, just turn the heat down to low. Turn off the heat and add the spice mixture to the pepitas, stirring to coat well.

Cool and store in an airtight container for up to 8 weeks.

Pepitas coated with smoked paprika, salt and granulated garlic

Recipe taken from No Crumbs Left: Whole30 Endorsed, Recipes for Everyday Food Made Marvelous by Teri Turner

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